Adding a Custom Field

Custom fields can be added to Students and Staff to capture additional information that is important to your business. For example, if it is important to you to retain a student's weight, you can add a weight custom field for a student. To add a custom field, follow these instructions:

  1. Click on "Administration" in the main menu followed by "Custom Fields". Then click on "Add Custom Fields"
  2. In step 1, enter in the name of the custom field, the type of custom field (currently, custom fields can only be added to students and staff), and a brief description of the custom field.
  3. In step 2, select the data type of the custom field. Depending on the data type selected, various other fields will become visible. The available data types are:
    • CheckBox List:

      The CheckBox List allows you to display the items from a Custom List. The items from the Custom List are displayed with check boxes. That is, you can select or un-select any number of items from the list.

    • Currency:

      The Currency data type allows you to enter in a numeric valid with a decimal. Also note that negative values are allowed.

    • Date:

      The Date data type allows you to enter in a valid date.

    • Date Time:

      The Date Time data type allows you to enter in a valid date and time.

    • Decimal:

      The decimal data type allows you to enter in a numeric value with a decimal, for example, 4.56

    • DropDown List:

      The drop down list displays the content of a custom list. The drop down list allows you to select one item from the list.

    • Numeric:

      A Numeric custom field only allows you to enter in numbers.

    • Radio List:

      The radio list allows you to display a Custom List. Only one item from the custom list can be selected. The difference between the radio list and drop down list is the drop down list hides the list items until the user clicks on the drop arrow. A radio list will always display all the custom list items.

    • Text:

      This data type allows you to enter in any text.

    • Time:

      This data type allows you to enter in a time in the format hh:mm AM/PM.

    • True/False:

      The true/false data type allows you to select true, false, or none/empty.

    • Whole Number:

      Only whole number are allowed in this data type. Decimals are not allowed.

    • Yes/No:

      The yes/no data type works similar to the true/false except the options are yes, no, or none/empty.